July 8, 2024

Thematic Memo: Inference on Device

Positioning for Edge AI in Phase 2

Thematic Memo


I wanted to expand a bit on the brief discussion we presented regarding Inference at the Edge in our piece on Interconnects as it relates to mobile devices, as well as check in on our original thesis from June 2nd about going long AAPL for AI and selling Google.

The next great frontier in artificial intelligence doesn’t seem to be drug discovery, life-like computer girlfriends, or even automated salad assembly. No, dear reader, the next great frontier in artificial intelligence adoption is almost certainly going to be you.

Apple is up more than 19% in the 5 weeks since we wrote about that swap, while Google is only up ~7.5%. But the reaction of Apple to their WWDC presentation, specifically to the Edge AI aspect, has had me thinking about what Phase 2 looks like at the edge and on mobile devices since.


We touched a bit on this in our Interconnects piece as well.

Here’s what we spoke about last week:

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